Dear Jesus,
You’ve given me these five children into my hands. I tell myself over and over again, “I AM BLESSED.”
However, in the midst of these blessings there are many times of chaos and confusion. I need you! I need you to guide my hands, ears, eyes, and lips. I need you to help me be a good mother. This mothering thing is beyond me. I’ve reacted in my flesh way too many times. I cannot be a mother to these children without your help. I yell at my children. I get impatient over and over again. I’ve experienced way too many times where my mind is filled with confusion and chaos.
At this young age my children are in, they follow me. If I yell, they yell. If I’m selfish, they are selfish. If I’m frustrated, they are frustrated.
This, however, is the same in reverse. If I’m loving, they are even more loving. If I’m serving them, they desire to serve me more. If I see the good in them, they call themselves blessed and see the good in me. If I talk about You, they also joyfully talk about You.
So, Jesus, here is my cry to you:
Use My Hands
Direct my hands every day on my children. Use my hands to love on them. Remind me daily to take more time to just hold a child and rock him. When my son walks by me, incline my mind to brush his cheek, and whisper, “I love you,” in his ear. Show me such simple ways to express love to them with my hands.
Use My Ears
Direct my ears to not just hear what is being said, but to fully understand and engage with the child when he is talking. Use my ears to catch those meaningful moments when a child speaks so innocently and breathes life from his own lips. I don’t want to miss those beautiful, simple moments! Help me also, to be attentive to your voice. I want to be sensitive in each moment where I can emphasis your love into my children.
Use My Lips
Direct my lips while disciplining and loving on my children. The words spoken from me need to speak life and encouragement into each of their lives. Show me what it means to tame my tongue so nothing unwholesome or hatred would come out. Help me to be discerning in my speech towards my children. Rather than yelling, use my lips to praise you, my husband, and my children. Remind me of the power my words have on my family.
Use My Eyes
Direct my eyes to see what is actually happening in each scenario and how to handle it. Show me the heart issue rather than the outward issue in each circumstance. Also, take my eyes to see each child’s gifting’s and each of their love language’s so I can encourage them into their fullest potential.
I have the greatest influence on these children while they are still young. This is what I truly desire for each of them to grasp:
- to know and experience you to the fullest.
- for their identity to be completely wrapped around you rather than someone or something.
- confidence in them to walk down the road you are calling them to go.
- to gain a heavenly perspective on life rather than an earthly one.
Show me Father and help me EVERY day. In the midst when my flesh is screaming at me and telling me I’m failing, Jesus, I need you to remind me of the truth.
- The truth that I AM doing the best I can to these children.
- The truth that I AM the only mom they need in their life.
- The truth that you have called ME. You called ME out to raise each of these children.
- The truth that I AM capable to raise up godly children.
So, thank you Jesus, for your promises. I need to be reminded of these promises EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!
This post was featured on Her View From Home and For Every Mom.
Mbi Usula says
So so inspiring. Thanks allot🙏🙏
Carmen says
This is beautiful! This mom of 5 needed this today!
deniserenae says
Thanks, Carmen! It’s encouraging to know others can relate to these feelings as well.
Katie | My Joy in Chaos says
As a fellow mom of 5, I see myself so much in your words. Thank you for sharing.
deniserenae says
Your welcome, Katie! Thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous says
Very powerful insightful exhortation for mothering God’s way! If you walk in these exhortations you’ve written your children will surely rise up and call you blessed !!
Love and appreciate your heart and passion to be a godly mother!
deniserenae says
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your encouragement!
Tonya says
This is so good!! Something I really needed to read, and be reminded of! Thank You!
deniserenae says
Your welcome, Tonya! Thanks for taking the time to read it.