As most of you know, I'm super passionate about intentional growth. After creating the post- The One Thing That Has Changed My Life- one of my blogging friends really liked this post because for her passion for this subject as well. This then led to an interview I had with her on YouTube. I've never done anything like this before! I felt so blessed and honored to participate Continue Reading
A Day In the Life With 5 Little Children
Since I created my last Day In the Life post, a lot has changed. Another little princess was added into our family. We moved locations a year and a half ago. Our children are older and have more responsibility in the home. Plus, homeschooling has become more consistent. In general, we still follow the same routine, however, the dynamics are different and the days are filled Continue Reading
Why I Love Having All These Children
Every day is different with a house full of kids. Some days are easy where everyone is content and happy. Some days are hard where none of the children seem to be getting along which involves a lot of screaming and crying. The good weeks are when we all can have our emotions under control several days in a row. Those moments define glamorous motherhood. They will cause you Continue Reading
Quarterly Review Getaway Fall ’17
We did it again, my husband and I hit up another quarterly Getaway! As most of you know, my husband and I go on a Getaway, just the two of us, every three months. These four to five days are focused on planning and reviewing our lives. However, this past Getaway was spent in Colorado away from home. The pursuit of our normal routine was not accomplished here on this Getaway Continue Reading
$6,000 For Your Child (it’s so simple!)
Wouldn't it be nice to have $6,000 set aside to help your child purchase their first car? Or maybe just giving them that chunk of money to put into an investment or to help them get started in life? Or maybe even putting that towards their college tuition? There is an incredibly simple way to start saving that up money now. After we started this for our first child, we Continue Reading
Another Hard Week (plus, details of the accident)
I arrived seconds after the accident. I didn't even know it was an accident until I saw the UTV (side by side) flipped on its side which then led to why my husband was covering his right eye. My heart sank. I then looked closer at the UTV, and saw his sister still inside of it, trying to climb through the roll cage. I rushed over with the gulf cart that me and my girls came Continue Reading
A Hard Week In Mothering Brought Me Tears
I had one of the hardest weeks mothering this past week. For four days... it was rough! It was so hard being a mom! Just saying those words does not even compare to the reality of it all. Have you ever had that feeling where it feels like you're screaming on the inside and have absolutely no control over what is happening in that moment? If you understand that feeling, well, Continue Reading