My husband and I went on another Getaway this past weekend. We accomplish these Getaways quarterly- getting away four days every three months (with no children!). I already created a post - 8 Things We Accomplish on Our Getaways - explaining in detail what we mainly get done in one Quarterly Review Getaway. This post here is all about the logistics in planning a Getaway. The Continue Reading
We Reached the Other Island
"Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution." - David J. Schwartz: American motivational writer and coach What seemed impossible to the world and everyone around us, became possible and Continue Reading
Not a Typical Getaway… 8 Things We Accomplish on Our Quarterly Review Getaways
A few years ago, my husband and I started a tradition of going away every three months for 3 nights and 4 days. This is what we call our Quarterly Review GETAWAY. These getaways are not what most people would think of a Getaway. We work. We plan. We journal. We discuss. We think. We read. We spend time together. It's a time to grow as a person and couple, and evaluate our Continue Reading