I'm doing another Giveaway! This time, it's an Amazon Giveaway. Need some extra money for all those Gift Guides you are seeing on Pinterest? Need some extra cash to make that big Amazon purchase? Well, you are at the right place! Two people will be blessed with a $50 gift card to Amazon. Simply fill out the form below to be entered multiple times. This Giveaway will last Continue Reading
Judging Ourselves With Someone Else’s Standard
We look up to so many people in our lives, don't we? Certain people have got it all together, right? Those certain people seem to have life figured out. They don't mess up. They are the perfect wife, mom, and domestic woman in their home. But does their standard need to become our standard? This so called "perfect" woman you look up to... has her house perfectly clean Continue Reading
Finding God in the Little Moments
Motherhood can be overwhelming. As a mom, wife, housekeeper, cook, and the one running errands with the children, it’s easy for life to become busy and miss all those little God moments with our children. However, such simple God moments can have incredible value to our children and to ourselves. If we as moms, can daily take time to be still before the Lord and with our Continue Reading
Interview with Messy Tired Love – Intentional Growth
As most of you know, I'm super passionate about intentional growth. After creating the post- The One Thing That Has Changed My Life- one of my blogging friends really liked this post because for her passion for this subject as well. This then led to an interview I had with her on YouTube. I've never done anything like this before! I felt so blessed and honored to participate Continue Reading
What is Your Facebook Newsfeed Feeding You?
I hear a lot of people complaining about what is showing up on their Facebook newsfeed. They complain about their "friends" posting negative comments, words, pictures... which then leads to tons of unneeded drama. People claim that Facebook is ALL drama. Their "friends" are constantly bragging, confronting others in a rude way, talking negative about their children, and on Continue Reading
A Day In the Life With 5 Little Children
Since I created my last Day In the Life post, a lot has changed. Another little princess was added into our family. We moved locations a year and a half ago. Our children are older and have more responsibility in the home. Plus, homeschooling has become more consistent. In general, we still follow the same routine, however, the dynamics are different and the days are filled Continue Reading
Why I Love Having All These Children
Every day is different with a house full of kids. Some days are easy where everyone is content and happy. Some days are hard where none of the children seem to be getting along which involves a lot of screaming and crying. The good weeks are when we all can have our emotions under control several days in a row. Those moments define glamorous motherhood. They will cause you Continue Reading