As most of you know, I’m super passionate about intentional growth. After creating the post- The One Thing That Has Changed My Life– one of my blogging friends really liked this post because for her passion for this subject as well. This then led to an interview I had with her on YouTube. I’ve never done anything like this before! I felt so blessed and honored to participate and share with her my heart on this subject. (Thanks Kristina!)
Want to know why I’m so passionate about intentional growth… hop on over to her post. This will lead you to the link for the YouTube video and you can watch the conversation we had about the importance of growing and setting goals as moms.
What goals have you set for your life? What are you extremely intentional with right now in this season of life?
My friend, Kristina, blogs over at Messy Tired Love where she provides Christian devotionals to connect everyday mom moments with the truth of the gospel.
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