Our children might not admit it, but they do rely on us as the parent to have the greatest influence in their lives.
Whether your child is 4 years old or 14, inside of them they are screaming out for that attention, direction, influence, and relationship with you to help steer the course of their life.
With the demands our culture presents to us and our children, it can be so easy to just keep a few steps away from our children and let everyone else influence them. Sunday school, that’s where they can get their ‘spiritual education’.
Sending them to school, that’s where they can get their ‘needed education’. Signing them up for sports and clubs, that’s where they can get the experience in extracurricular activities and have even more interaction with their peers.
More Effective Parenting in a Noisy World
Where do we, as the parents, come into the picture of our children’s lives other than driving them from place to place and activity to activity?
In living this busy lifestyle that our culture presents to us, it can be easy to not be intentional with the actual relationship and influence, that we as the parents, can have on our child’s life.
So, how can we have a more effective impact on our children’s lives? How can we do more effective parenting in a noisy world?
First… To do more effective parenting, we can seek out an intentional relationship with them.
“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.”
Proverbs 22:6 (GNTD)
This can be challenging with those parents who have a handful of children involved in multiple sports, schools, and church events. But as parents, we cannot bypass the fact that each child needs our own personal love and attention. We need to make our relationship with each child a priority. It needs to override all the discipline, all the events, and all the demands the family is involved in.
Don’t allow work, business, church, school, or sports be the top priority in your family’s lives. The children need to see that you do value each one of them over all the activities you attend on a daily or weekly basis. This can lead you to have an incredible influence on your children’s lives!
To read the rest of this post and all 4 tips on how to have the best effective parenting strategy, hop on over to where I guest posted on Melanie Redd’s blog –} More Effective Parenting in a Noisy World
More Effective Parenting in a Noisy World
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