Birthday’s and Christmas come EVERY year for our children, right? So what are the best gifts for a 4-8 year old this year?
If you are anything like me, your favorite gifts your children receive are those non-toy related gifts!
These are items that can be used several weeks, months or even years down the road that have a specific purpose. Plus, a few items here that can help enhance creativity as well.
Because of the ages, my children are at right now, I created a non-toy list for ages four to eight years old. Further, my children have already received most of the gifts I listed below (if they haven’t received them yet, the items are already on their wishlist).
Every time one of my children received a gift listed below, they were just as excited, if not more, receiving them than actual toys. In addition, these items have a purpose behind them, not just something they receive and get bored with it after the first few days or weeks.
Some of these items I listed here would definitely be great for older children as well.
*This post may contain an affiliate link, which means I will get a small commission if you purchase items through my site. You can read my full disclosure here.*
The Best Gifts for a 4-8 Year Old
You’ll love this non-toy list if you’re an Amazon fan!
Click on the images below and it will take you directly to the Amazon link for that item.
Digital Watches
These watches are a hit with our kids! First, they are waterproof, so there is no need for them to take their watch off, at all! Additionally, they even leave it on while showering. Plus, this has been a great learning tool for them to understand the concept of time.
Children’s Devotional Bibles
The boy’s Bible here in the picture was purchased for my son’s seventh birthday. Indeed, he was so excited to receive his first Bible!
Also, this book is read daily out loud while the kids color at the table or play quietly and contently with Play-Doh or Legos. It blesses my oldest boy’s heart when I read his Bible out loud. Although I have not purchased this girl’s Bible yet, after looking through all the options on Amazon, the one that is shown above is what I just put on my daughter’s list.
Kids’ Duffle Bags
These duffel bags have been hit for traveling, especially when my husband and I attend one of our Getaways and our children travel to a sitter.
Additionally, the kids loved the idea of having their own bag to put their own items and clothes in, it gives them a sense of ownership and maturity. Also, these bags are the perfect size for young children. If you click on either of the bags, you will get 20+ more designs to choose from!
Sleeping Bags with Pillows
Kids love receiving a sleeping bag and their own special pillow. Also, you can use this winter to have fun and creative sleepovers with your children right in your living room! In addition, there are so many other designs and cartoon characters you can choose from on Amazon.
CashFlow Game
We purchased this board game a few years ago for our children. Truly, I would highly encourage you to purchase this for your children! Indeed, it would be well worth the investment.
And, Cashflow teaches children how to purchase assets and the importance of investing their money. This is another great thing to do this winter with your children! Lessons in this game could direct the future of your children’s finances for the rest of their life!
What kid does not like Legos? This is an item that can be in the closet for a few weeks, but when brought out again, the kid’s eyes and minds are consumed with creativity and design! My kids love these. I really don’t think you can have too many Legos in your house. 😉
Magnetic Sticks
These magnetic sticks we do not have at our house. However, every time we go to our friend’s house to play, they love playing with these, and like Legos, they can develop their creative mind and build things with these.
Again, children are being creative. And, my children play with Play-Doh almost every single day! Between me and our nanny, we have been purchasing new Play-Doh several times a month. Even as an adult, it’s fun to sit with your children and be creative with them!
Cupcake Maker
My daughter loves when I pull this out to bake cupcakes or muffins. She likes her pink and likes to help me out in the kitchen. This can be used as an educational experience (cooking with mom) and be used over and over again with purpose. If you have girls that love to be in the kitchen, I’m sure they would love this!
Hopefully, this list has been extremely helpful to get non-toy related ideas for your children! Have your children already received non-toy gifts in the past that they loved? If so, share those ideas in the comments.
Happy shopping!
Additional Gift Guide:
The Best Books for Moms (of Littles) – Gift Guide
I’ve never heard of Cashflow game but will have to see if I can find that one locally. It sounds very interesting. I also attest to the legos, baking, and playdough. 😀
Thanks, Tannah. Yes, I highly encourage the Cashflow game!
I love the sleeping bag and bible ideas. Also the luggage! I thought about getting my kids new luggage this year and then changed my mind and bought myself new luggage instead and they will inherit my older suitcase 😉
Great idea with the luggage idea, Hannah! LOL! And glad you like some items on the list. 🙂
That Cashflow game looks amazing! Where was that when I was a kid? 😛 Excellent ideas.
Thanks Elizabeth! I was wondering the same thing, lol!
Great ideas! I have 2 kids in this age range and I think they would love these ideas!
Thanks, Julie!
These ideas are awesome!! I try to think of various types of gifts for the kids and this really helped me for Paisley!! I will be coming back to this post when I do my online shopping! 😉
Thanks, Ellen! Glad this list was a help to you. 🙂
Some great ideas! I love that most of these encourage imagination play.
Thanks, Robbi!
Those are great ideas! I have some grandkids that might enjoy some of them. Thanks for sharing your suggestions.
Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TrekkingThru.
Your welcome, Gayl. Thanks for stopping by!