Welcome to the Mom Life Series, a collaboration between five bloggers who write to inspire and encourage moms. Today’s post is from me, Denise Renae! I hope you’re inspired and encouraged through these words that were laid on my heart.
Mom failure is a typical area where we can critique ourselves too hard on those mistakes or we can choose to grow and learn from them. They can lead us into a trap of condemnation and guilt or we can allow failure to lead us to become a better person.
“Failures are part of life. If you don’t fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you’ll never change.” -Author unknown.
There are pros and cons in dealing with mom failure. It all depends on how each mom handles that failure within her thoughts and actions.
Check out the pros and cons listed below and see for yourself how you deal with mom failure…
Cons of Mom Failure
Most people view failure as a negative. And yes, if failure is not handled in a healthy manner, it does become a negative issue in your life. All three of these points listed here connect very closely within each other on how mom failure will lead to a con.
Dealing with condemnation. Once acknowledging that mistake you just made as a mom, your mind can go into one of two ways, let it become something you learn from or let it become a condemning fact within yourself.
Meditating on the failure too long. This is where Satan likes to attack mom’s with failure. He wants you to meditate on the past rather than learn from that mistake, move on, and become a better person.
Becoming too hard on yourself. If you feel that failure happens too often in your life, then maybe you are just too hard on yourself. Maybe you need to lower that bar you’re trying to reach that is way to high. So then gaining ground actually becomes attainable in your life.
Pros of Mom Failure
On the flip side, from the cons, yes, there are pros within mom failure. Like I said above, it all depends on how that failure is dealt within yourself as the mom…
Acknowledging that you messed up. If we can acknowledge first off, that we messed up, that is a great start. But the question is, “What do you do once you recognize that mistake?” Do you allow that mistake to run you to the ground? Instead, can you learn from that mistake and move on to becoming that better person.
You set the bar high. I don’t believe this is a bad thing. I often hear people saying to others, “You are just setting the bar too high for yourself.” Yes, like above, setting the bar too high could cause more failures and mistakes and could lead to an unhealthy way of dealing with failure. However, that bar is what can make you a better person. If you keep your mind on the bigger picture, on that goal, you will thrive. Even if it seems to you that you’re failing often, others can easily see you as the opposite. They can view you as a stronger and better mother because of that bar they constantly see you reaching for.
Mom failure leads to an incredible opportunity to humble ourselves. If we can take responsibility and ownership of our mistakes, we then can move on to admit that we are wrong, which leads to asking forgiveness from our loved ones – our kidos! This act of humbling ourselves can be a powerful Godly example to our children – demonstrating the giving and receiving of forgiveness from each other.
The challenge in dealing with failure is learning from that mistake, releasing it, and then moving on. If we can pursue life with this attitude of our mom failures, then new growth will continue to be sprouted within ourselves.
I absolutely love The Merry Momma’s post speaking on If I Were a Perfect Mom. She lists many reasons on how she takes advantage of not being a perfect mom. Through our failures, we demonstrate something that could never be demonstrated if we were perfect. (Her post correlates very well with the message here!)
So that’s my challenge to you – grasp your failures as pros, don’t grasp them as cons. Failure is always hard no matter what kind of situation you go through. However, let’s see failure as a positive. Let’s see it as an opportunity to be like Christ and humble ourselves. And let’s see it as an opportunity to grow!
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