Another Quarterly Review/Getaway for us in the books. For those of you who don't know already, my husband and I get away from our children for 3-4 days every three months! We've been pursuing these now for the last 7-8 years of our marriage. Click here to view what we do on our Getaways every quarter --} Not A Typical Getaway. With all the children we have and not being Continue Reading
You Need to Getaway & Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage
It honestly saddens me when I hear a couple that has been married 5, 10, 15+ years and have never been on a getaway with their spouse kid-free. It's so easy for us to go day in and day out with no getaway time with our spouse. Many excuses can arise: Well, we don't have any money for my husband and I to getaway. You make it a priority to spend money on your kid's Continue Reading
Not a Typical Getaway Part 2… The Logistics of Planning a Quarterly Review
My husband and I went on another Getaway this past weekend. We accomplish these Getaways quarterly- getting away four days every three months (with no children!). I already created a post - 8 Things We Accomplish on Our Getaways - explaining in detail what we mainly get done in one Quarterly Review Getaway. This post here is all about the logistics in planning a Getaway. The Continue Reading