This post is a sequel to the post I created from my last pregnancy.
So buckle up, and hang onto your seats as I confront a real issue in today’s culture about pregnancy.
I know 90% of the people who find out we are expecting think, “Why in the world are you pregnant again!?”
To be honest, what goes through my mind is, “Well, why not?”
Many years ago, it was ‘normal’ to have lots of children. And why? It’s because the rat race demand was not as strong as it is today. Instead, now a days, we focus more of our time and energy on our work status. More time is wrapped up in our children’s school, sports, and church events. The demand to do and become something in our culture is stronger than ever. Which leads back to the fact that children are hard work and a distraction for us to accomplish our worldly tasks. On top of that, we want our children to also become something in this world, so we are pouring so much time into these ‘events’ with our children.
This rat race of life leads us to the question that… maybe children are not a blessing. Now I believed that if our culture REALLY believed the truth that children are a blessing, I wonder… “Well then why do the majority of us not desire more blessings into our lives?”
Psalm 127:3-5, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
Most Christians I know claim that God is in control. What doesn’t make sense to me though is how people declare and make that statement, but will take the issue of children into their own hands. They don’t allow God to be in actual control of that situation. Having children and deciding on the number of children to have, is the #1 thing that is controlled by our culture today.
We claim, “I’m having this amount of children, and that’s it! I’m done! No more! I do not want to be pregnant again.”
Another comment that is NEVER mentioned into our culture, is the issue of praying about how many children we should have. Do we ever take this one thing that we can have so much control over to Jesus? Do we trust Him enough to actually ask Him his thoughts on this manner? Do we believe and trust Him to the point that children ARE a blessing?
We pray about who we should marry. We pray about getting a specific job. We pray as to whether or not we should move to a different location. We pray as to whether or not we should be in the mission field.
Do we take the issue of children to prayer? Do we ask God if we should get pregnant again and provide another life into this world?
Trusting God
All of this is lead to a deeper issue in our hearts. Can we actually BELIEVE and TRUST God with what He tells us to do? We preach it to our children to trust God, right? Can we demonstrate that as well? So many of us focus only what’s in front of us rather than on our eternal investments. We put so much emphasis and focus on our jobs and all the events we plan and are involved in right now.
That very simple, very popular verse,
Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”
Do we believe that? Do we trust Him with all our hearts? If we ask Him how many children we should have, and he says, “one more,” can you trust Him and be obedient? I’m sure He will tell many people that, yes, they are done. And to many others, I’m sure He will tell them to keep on going.
Now, I know the majority of people will think this concept is crazy, and that I’m out of my mind. But again, we all just go along with what our culture teaches us to do and think, which leads us in becoming that culture unless we choose to live differently.
Why We Are Pregnant With Our Sixth
Now this question is probably answered for you by now after all that I discussed. And I shared more from my last pregnancy on our hearts with why we keep having children and why I’m pregnant again. (I highly encourage you to read that post!)
My husband and I literally pray after a child is born as to whether or not we should prevent or not prevent. It’s pretty obvious to what He has led us to do from the last seven years of our life!
Don’t think that if you pray, your family will end up looking just like ours. He has a unique plan for your family and with how many littles He wants to provide for your life. HE HAS A BEAUTIFUL DESIGN FOR YOUR FAMILY!
I’m not here to tell you to have lots of children. I’m here to challenge you to take this issue of having children to the Lord. Then, after praying, truly TRUST Him with what He is leading you and your husband to do.
He is just waiting… waiting for you to come seek out His heart. He is just waiting for you to ask what He desires for your family.
Be blessed
(Now, if you are dealing with infertility, I’m honestly so sorry you are going through that! This post is not focused or here to stir anything up within that subject.)
First of all, congrats to you and your family! As a fellow mom of many, we get the same questions, and our answer all boils down to trusting God in all things, even our family size. Even with lots of unknowns, we choose to follow Him!
I’m so very excited for you!
Thanks Sabrina! Asking and trusting the Lord is really what it all comes down to with anything in life. Thanks for your encouragement!
Congratulations, Denise! I truly believe you have the best job in the world and so did I! I’m so thankful for our five! They grow up so quickly. As my aunt used to say “These are your PRECIOUS years!
I’m constantly hearing that, Jolie! Thanks so much for your encouragement!
I really enjoyed reading this post, and I went to read the previous post you mentioned. Awesome! I think big families are beautiful! My husband has 10 siblings, and we have 4 children. I have one family member that has a negative response every time I mention my desire for another child. They don’t want more children , so anyone else that does is crazy. It’s very offensive to me, but your post provided some reassurance. I’m learning not to take it personal, and that I’m not crazy for wanting another child! Thank you and congratulations!!
Hi Charity, thanks for sharing your heart here and for your encouragement! You definitely are not alone. Anyone with more than three children will constantly deal with the random negative comments from strangers, family, or friends. And yes, from their perspective we are crazy. However, we just need to be fully confident with the leading of our hearts and not look back. Having children is a beautiful thing, so honestly, I really don’t think you can go wrong deciding to have another little blessing!
Congratulations Denise! Welcome to our world #6
Thanks Everlyne!
Hooray! Congratulations! 🎉💗
Thanks Laura!
Love you, your heart for family and motherhood, and you passion to communicate that to our generation. Thanks for raising up mighty warriors!
Thanks Katilyn! THANK YOU for raising up mighty warriors as well! Your boys are super blessed to have you as their mom!
Congratulations on your new addition to your family!
Thanks Bella!